R79_ 074/118 H200

Price: 462.00 €/pc

sis. 22% KM-i en


  • Product code: 808932
  • Quantity in the package: 1 pc
  • IN STOCK: 7.00 pc

Roto Designo R7 H WD is traditional, pivot in the upper third of the window, thanks to which the opened window frame does not reach the room. Thanks to this method of opening, free access to the opened window is granted.

Lacquered wood-profile roof window. Handle is on the lower part of the window.
Gas shock absorbers used in the opening mechanism allow the window to be opened and serviced easily.
Window sill is surrounded with insulationblock WD, which improves the windows insulation by 15%.

Measurements: 740x1180mm

Qualities and advantages of the product:
- Window sills outer measurements 740x1180mm (with the WD insulation block 800x1240mm)
- Lacquered wood profile
- Pre-fitted insulation block WD and steamguard film
- Pivot in the upper third and free access to the opened window
- Much light and great venting
- Glass packet: triple glazing, selective glass packet, krypton filling, hardened outer glass. Glass packet heat conduction number Ug=0,7 W/m²K
- Windows heat conductivity Uw=1,1 W/m²K
- Fits with a roof incline of 20-65 degrees
- Aluminium, dark gray- metallic colored covering plates

NEED TO ORDER ASWELL Bordering tin strips(one of the options, depending on roofing material):
- ZSD, for profilic roofing materials, height up to 30 mm(e.g. tin profiles, eternit),product code 625083
- ZIE, for profilic roofing materials, height 30-50 mm(e.g. stone roofs) product code 614830
- SDS, for flat roofing materials (batten seam metal roofing, bitumen shindle), product code 525588
- HZI, for profilic roofing materials, height of more than 50 mm (e.g. eternit roofing), product code 614971

- Window installation apron ASA ECO 7/xx, product code 611838

Purchase terms |

VBH Estonia OÜ Läike tee 12, Peetri 75312, Harjumaa Reg: 10179000 | Tel: +372 6401 331 | E-mail: orders@vbh.ee