WINDDY magnetic blockade for PVC windows and balcony doors

Price: 23.18 €/pc

sis. 22% KM-i en


  • Product code: Win000160
  • Quantity in the package: 36 pc
  • IN STOCK: 38.00 pc

WINDYY - a magnetic blockade for PVC windows and balcony doors.

- Smooth adjustment of window and balcony doors opening angle
- Full stabilization of the opening position of window and balcony door
- The blockade is hidden after closing the window
- Only for PVC windows and balcony doors
- Window and balcony door may be stopped in any position
- No maintenance required
- Long product life
- Simple assembly

Purchase terms |

VBH Estonia OÜ Läike tee 12, Peetri 75312, Harjumaa Reg: 10179000 | Tel: +372 6401 331 | E-mail: